Friday, January 30, 2009

The Hobo Kitchen

Welcome, fellow travelers!

We live in a curious age. Money is apparently imaginary, our parents turn ashen whenever someone says the phrase "401k", and our bright shiny future is either gone or on layaway (no one can quite decide yet).

For some of us, this means that we got a nice crisp pink slip for Christmas in 2008. Oh, hooray!

What does this mean? Well, it means a whole lot less dining out, obviously. It means retraining ourselves in how to cook and shop and entertain, and how to do it in the most frugal way possible. Sure, we've got tons of time to watch the Food Network, but that can only get you so far.

I mean, what the hell is a "tablescape"?! And don't you always find there's ONE gourmet ingredient on the recipe that you just plain don't have?

So here's the deal. It's time to stop wandering into the kitchen and thinking "what do I want to eat?" and instead, start thinking "what can I make out of what's already in the fridge?" Time to use our unemployment to our advantage and really get to grips with how to make stuff, rather than reaching for takeout menus. There are some things that are reasonable to splurge on (see: spices), and there are some things that are not (see: Grand Marnier). The freezer is your friend. So are dried and tinned goods.

That's what I'll be doing, anyhow. You're welcome to come along.

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