Sunday, February 8, 2009


There's a rule, and the rule goes like this:

I am not allowed to buy exclusively sweet things, unless I am making something for an event, when people will come over and eat the food and hopefully leave with some of it. And if I DO break down and have to make something sweet without an event-excuse, then I must do it from scratch... which hopefully brings me right back to the fact that I am not allowed to buy exclusively sweet things, like blocks of chocolate.

But then something like this happens...

It was on sale! I was tired! I hadn't had brownies in ages! It was Ghiradelli! I had milk I had to use up! There is no chocolate in my house! It was on sale! I forgot about the leftover hunk of zucchini bread in the freezer! I'll make up for it with healthy meals for the rest of the week! I froze almost all of them! The flat smelled so good with them in the oven! I'm unemployed! I'll go to the gym on Monday!

Ah, forbidden brownies. So tempting. So delicious.

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